Columbia Green

The Thank You Project

The Thank You Project



Dear Columbia Green,

I was surprised to drive by the very busy corner of Gervais and Huger a few mornings ago and see three hearty souls braving wet, dreary rain to “green” the long-vacant street corner where Kline Steel once stood.

It was no surprise it happened because of Columbia Green.

So many of our city’s most beautiful — and challenging — landscaping efforts have happened at the hands of your nonprofit organization. Your group has ensured our city’s gateways and busiest thoroughfares leaf and bloom whatever the season.

Countless times I’ve glanced outside my car window to see a surprising burst of wild flowers or wondered how a grouping of plants thrives on a tiny island of dirt that’s surrounded by concrete. Usually, tucked into that small patch of beauty somewhere is a small, understated green sign — the mark of Columbia Green.

It’s amazing how little it takes to give a barren spot some visual interest. A few carefully placed railroad ties, some healthy soil and low-maintenance plants are an eye-catching improvement anywhere.

What’s most impressive is that this entire group is dedicated to making these small roadside miracles possible. It’s work every resident, business, community and visitor benefits from.

Thank you for making our entire city your front-yard, Columbia Green.

It has never looked more welcoming.



Julie Turner

The Thank You Project is a yearlong Wordsmith letter writing and blog project. I’m recognizing and thanking people who enrich my life and make my community an even better place to live.