Major General Abraham Turner

The Thank You Project



Dear Major General Turner,


I was lucky enough to hear you speak at the Goodwill Luncheon on March 28. After learning more about you, your career and your motivations that day, I think a great many people, including myself, owe you a good deal of gratitude.

Your distinguished military career is among the most impressive I have ever seen. Combat service during five U.S. operations. Chief of staff of the U.S. Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force Base. Commanding general at Fort Jackson. Chief and head of the Army Liaison Element for the U.S. House of Representatives. Adviser to the U.S. Secretary of State. For this level of honor and duty alone, you earn a world of thanks from every American.

But as you spoke, I was even more impressed to learn of your service as executive director of the SC Department of Employment and Workforce. That when you were asked to lead SC DEW, you did not hesitate to accept the colossal challenge. You chose — felt compelled — to do everything in your power to help South Carolina tackle the many problems of unemployment.

As our economy and state continue to soldier on through the lingering recession, I am so proud to know that you, with your passion, integrity and we-can-do-this approach, are at the helm of something that’s vital to every South Carolina resident and business owner.

I am grateful to have learned of your deep commitment and service to your hometown, home state and homeland.

I am even more grateful to have the opportunity to thank you for it.



Julie Turner


The Thank You Project is a yearlong Wordsmith letter writing and blog project. I’m recognizing and thanking people who enrich my life and make my community an even better place to live. 


3 Replies to “Major General Abraham Turner”

  1. General Turner then 2nd LT Turner was my training officer with Capt Brayshaw as CO at Ft Benning, GA in1977. Then LT Turner was an incredible and inspirational officer as was Capt Brayshaw. I just wanted to say Hi in hopes that he gets this message and knows that I have certainly remembered him and continue be inspired by his career. Kindest Regards to you Sir, Paul van Veen

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