It’s that most wonderful time of the year (almost)! Fall means back to school early mornings, Gamecock football and the South Carolina State Fair! Continuing in the fine tradition of years gone by, that also means something else as delicious as an Elvis burger: fair haikus.
Have a visit to last year’s beautiful haikus and then post your own in the comments. Remember: Three lines. First line five syllables. Second line seven syllables. Third line five syllables.
Maybe you’ll win some fair tickets from me!
i want it badly
pronto pup calling my name
no teeth in my head
Fiske Fries are calling
With splashes of vinegar
And a touch of Heinz
Carney creepiness
rite of eerie October
days of deep-fried fun
Thank you for playing!
grease is in the air
what new fried treat awaits us?
i shudder to think
Tractors, rides and games
Fried dough, lime rickeys, lobster
Fair season in Maine
Man. Lobster at the fair. We have fried butter and giant caveman turkey legs.
Lobster in every way – full lobster, lobster tail, lobster roll, etc. Also, clams.
Finding my Happy?
Do they have a ride for that?
Think I’ll just have a corn dog.
Oops. Lost my count while eating lunch…last line: I’ll just eat some fries.
Crowds, tickets, animal poo
Whiney kids, more food
Fun night until someone barfs
That is magic!
turkey leg corn dog
funnel cake french fries candy
apple. I love you.
baby ducks, chicks, pigs.
Bring a lot of hand sani!
Don’t get e. coli.
Throw the ball in the
hole. Can it be done? My fair
budget has been blown.
Is there anything
worth writing about except
the food? I think not.
Without consequence?
Probably not, but who cares?
It’s fair food. Just eat.
Assembly and Bluff
Twelve days’ worth of deep-fried fun
Welcome, October.
When you are feeling
stomach pain, begrimed and broke
Let’s do it again!
click click whirr whirr whoa!
creepy carny scarier
than Zipper itself
Bonus points for mentioning scary ride by name!
Don’t look down on me.
I create magic for all.
The pensive carney.